miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

This is a special week. The students are getting together with students from other groups and the older children become teachers of the younger children for one day. It is also a special week because next Friday is Halloween, which is an important holiday in some of the English speaking countries, like the US.

Halloween is celebrated the Eve before the Christian holiday of All Saints and it begins a period of time in which people  remember the dead.
Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treatingattending costume parties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfiresapple bobbing, visiting haunted house attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. (Taken from Wikipedia)

So in our lesson last Monday, after the introduction and reading and checking homework we were learning Halloween words so the children would be ready for the next hour with a group of older students.
During the second hour the children did different activities the older students had prepared for them, like matching words and definitions on the board and playing a bingo name.

We ended the lesson trick or treating. We went to another classroom, knocked on the door and when they opened we said: Trick or Treat. And you know what? They gave us some candy and said Happy Halloween!

By the way, Isma did not tell us anything about Darkred's stay in his place, only that they went swimming. 

Students find it difficult to know when to use have got and when to use is or are when talking about animals. So the teacher made a list on the board.

If we mention a noun we have to say have got: head, beak, eyes, ears, snout, neck, wings, fur, skin, scales, feathers, a shell, lesgs, etc. Even when we say: long beak, big head, white fur, etc.

We use is or are when we only say an adjective like: tall, short, big, small, long, gray colour, etc.


Watch this video

Answer the questions:
1. what animal has a big mouth?
2.What animal has big feet?
3. What animal has long ears and big feet?
4. What animal is long and hasn't got arms and legs?
5. What animal has a long nose and big ears?

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